Over the last couple of weeks I’ve been involved in this social media platform called Clubhouse and there are more and more fitness professionals that are coming on board. But a lot of people are asking what clubhouse is and how it can benefit them.

It is invite only and you can only access it from an Apple iPhone device at the moment. If you’ve got an Android at the moment, it’s not transferable or applicable to that. The new thing about clubhouse is these audio only, so it’s not about video. You go into the device and there’s loads of little chat rooms that are going on at the same time, about a wide range of different topics, ranging from fitness to marketing to business to social media, Instagram, Facebook, as well as different sporting events.

But what’s cool about it, is that there are some really good marketers and business people in there at the moment that are giving away really good free advice. So what I have gained from this is that if you are looking to get tips about business, about marketing, about social media, then you can just go into these groups.

You just listen. No one knows that you’re there and you can get some really good advice. Normally you’d have to pay quite a lot of money for this type of service and access to some of these people, but this is free. Another good thing about Clubhouse is that it allows you to do other stuff and just listen to these rooms in the in the background. Sometimes when you get asked up onto the stage, you are then required to introduce yourself and contribute to the discussion.  So it is really important to have a very idea of explaining what you do in a very easy and user friendly way.

This is something that I teach in my PRIMElab course of having a simple framework that you can actually structure how you introduce yourself. Here is the basic framework:

I help [whatever your target audience is], understand [whatever specific outcome is],so that [there’s a desired benefit].

A very simple framework. But it allows you to tell people exactly who your target market is, what the benefit they have of working with you is and what their specific outcome is.

So, for example “I help fitness professionals transition their business from an in-person to online coach using my PRIMElab coaching program so that they can help more people have more free time while doing what they love.

So in that one sentence, I have identified who my target market is, I’ve identified what the specific outcome they’re going to get from working with me is and also what’s in it for them, because that’s what people want to know.

So my challenge to you is to create your positioning statement, your framework, so that when you are on clubhouse and people bring you up on stage and they ask you what is it you do, you can say very confidently what you do, who your target market is and the benefit of that target market working with you.

That would differentiate yourself from saying that you’re just a Pilates instructor, yoga instructor, etc..

How do you get onto clubhouse at the moment? It’s invite only. So when you start off, you get two or three invites per week and then you can invite people in.  I do think that’s going to change soon as it gets bigger. But I think the organizers initially want to make sure that the platform is working, that they get in a lot of people from a variety of industries.  

So now it actually would be a good time to get involved in Clubhouse if someone was offered the chance of an invite. It’s worth just hopping in, and just going into some rooms, seeing what the type of content is being shared and then seeing if it is valuable for you. If it is then great, stay in there and be actively engaged with it.

And if it’s not, no one knows that you’re in the group, which is great, and you can leave quietly. So watch out for some invites from clubhouse.

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