Testimonial template mentioned in the video

Throughout my fitness business I have discovered that testimonials are the true secret to getting more work, be it teaching, presenting or personal training.  For years I used to send cvs and portfolios to convention organisers with no joy. It was only when I included testimonials from people that had taken part of my classes, presenters that I have worked with, or convention organisers themselves, that doors started to open and I was able to get more work. 

Why is that?  Well social proof has been proved to be really powerful in terms of “convincing” people that someone or something is worth investing in.  For example you have only got to see the amount of red blooded males that started to wear a sari when they saw  David Bekham sporting that look a few years ago (I was not one of them…..honest)

So the question is, how can you get testimonials that will help your fitness business.  Well this one is easy…………ASK!  If you are doing a good job in your classes or with clients, then ask them how they find your services.  For the testimonial to be really effective you want to “guide” them with specific questions, or provide a sample testimonial that they can base theirs around.  That way you are able to get a powerful testimonial that will help you get more clients, and sell more of your service.

1) How did we originally meet?
2) What was your specific situation at that time? What were you going through/facing in your life?
3) What was the obstacle that would have prevented you from buying my services? What was the reason you almost didn’t become my client?
4) What was your first impression of my stuff? What did you think?
5) What are the specific results you’ve gotten from my stuff?
6) Are there any good BEFORE and AFTER “things” with specific results we could talk about? For example, is there anything that was WRONG before, but isn’t wrong now? Or anything that you couldn’t do before, but you CAN do now?

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