In this video I’m going to explain why you should consider running fitness challenges to increase and improve the amount of people that come to your classes or your personal training sessions. A challenge is a time based campaign. Whether it’s up to five days going all the way up to 90 days. And the key thing here is there’s a clear focus, there’s a clear objective and there’s a clear target.
A challenge can be a hard outcome. So, for example, losing 10 pounds in 10 days, 14 pounds in 14 days or a 28-day fat loss challenge. It could be a soft challenge where you are going deep into one area, for example, understanding female hormones or understanding the thyroid gland. So you’re learning more about a specific topic. So therefore it is outcome orientated and it is designed to give people micro wins, that means there are small little wins each day.
Here is what a challenge is not. it’s not a press up challenge like 10 press ups a day. It’s not a squat challenge. Let’s just do 20 squats a day. Or a plank challenge, it’s not a meditation challenge and it’s not a clean eating challenge because these are whilst these are very valuable, they don’t give people a clear, specific outcome at the end. The idea is to create a challenge based on a promise, i.e. a specific target, not a premise.
In the previous examples, the press ups, the squats, meditation, they’re all premises. They’re the idea behind the challenge, but it doesn’t give a specific promise. And that’s the key thing that I’ll be going through in the Five Day Create Your Fitness Challenge Workshop.
So why are these challenges useful for fibros?, Whether you are an instructor looking to break into a new market or an established instructor looking to build your audience, fitness challenges are hot at the moment, and it’s a great way to launch a new product, service, class or membership.
And you can use challenges for a variety of reasons, so you can use them for learning or you can use challenges for earning.
But also, challenges provide a great framework to show people or showcase your leading skills, your coaching and your mentoring skills, so you’re showing people how great an instructor you are, how great you are at coaching people towards a specific outcome, how you can mentor people and break down a larger task into small bite sized chunks that allows people to get clear micro specific wins each day and move towards a specific goal.
Fitness challenges are amazing for building your audience, to building the amount of people that actually know you growing your email list, and then if you do it properly, turning these prospects into new members, to your classes and new people to become personal training clients as well.
This is your chance to show your potential audience how great you are at training them. So then if you design your fitness challenge properly, there’s a natural transition into your service as people want to carry on working with you. A well-designed challenge gets people taking action, walking peoples towards you and your offer so that by the time the offer is made, saying yes to your offer, saying yes to your class, saying yes to your service or PT Sessions is the obvious, most logical next step.
So then the question is, how long should a challenge be? Well, you’re looking at between five and 10 days. There are challenges that go on for longer. But then the motivation to take part in these challenges, is more difficult. And remember, the focus is on micro wins, so small, specific, measurable wins each day.
The key thing is it should be long enough to allow your participants the ability to achieve your promised outcome and no longer.
The key question and we’re going to dive a lot more into this during my five day challenge, which is coming up, is you want to ask yourself what are the steps that we want our potential clients to go through or the knowledge that we want them to learn before they sign up to our services? Because the more we can answer this question again, the easier the transition will be.
Because then you work backwards to create your challenge and this will determine like the hook, which is the theme of the challenge, it will determine the headline, which means what you’re going to call your challenge, and then it will determine the challenge idea, how you structure it and how you design your individual tasks. So within all of that, this is what I’m going to cover in my free five day fitness challenge, where I’m going to get you and challenge you to create your own fitness challenge, it’s going to be specific for your audience.
I’ve broken it down into different themes, as you can see below

And there might be some extra videos and bonuses along the way to really help make this experience as valuable to you as possible. Remember this is completely free and by the end of this week, you will have a fitness challenge that’s unique to you that you can then go off and promote and get new members in to help you build your audience, grow your list, and hopefully then convert these prospects into paying members.