Fitness instructors are continually trying to find ways to increase their revenue and business. The 3 key ways to do this are:

  1. Position yourself so that you are the go to person in your area
  2. Raising the value of your fitness offerings, by offering a step by step system which achieves a measurable result
  3. Serve more people.

Running a weight management program alongside your classes and/or PT sessions is one way of achieving all 3.

In this video I share:

  1. How to position yourself and the 3 questions you need to answer to establish yourself as different from your competitors.
  2. A 3 step format that you can follow when creating your weight management program
  3. Simple ways that you can deliver your program with no additional cost to yourself
  4. Key ways to find new clients for your program
  5. A simple method to launch your program

There is loads of key information in this video. Please take notes and resolve to add a weight management program to your current fitness offerings. If you need any further advice, or help in developing your knowledge in this area then please feel free to reach out and contact me

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