Understanding Special Populations and chronic health is one thing but making a living out of teaching fitness in the health environment is another story. Trainers invest a lot of money understanding health conditions, become extremely qualified in that subject yet struggle to convert the knowledge into return of investment.
In this amazing interview Helen demonstrates how trainers can knock down doors in health and learn how to write a business model to bid for contracts to earn a living.
With 10 years experience in this field, Helen Tite has in depth knowledge on the pitfalls and successes of being a fitness trainer running credible health programs in her county of Cornwall.
This 3 step system will demonstrate how to build the health business stakeholder map, identify and understand commissioning, develop pilots and win tenders.
Also demonstrating some of the fitness classes used in special populations.
You will love this interview, so please have a notepad a pen ready as there is a lot of information here. To listen to the interview please press play.